Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Yahoo CEO College Degree Kerfuffle

Well, you can’t expect a guy who runs a website that has as many blatant copyediting errors per news story as Yahoo! to not have a few on his resume, now can you?* Yes, apparently the Yahoo! CEO, some guy named Scott Thompson (Oh, is it the guy from The Kids in the Hall? I can only hope! Then he could say it was just a joke!), made a little boo boo on his CV: We all do it, but usually it’s to get our first job! Didn’t he think someone might find out? If I was him, I would say that it was a challenge left for his news people to see if they were any good at uncovering a story. And they really proved themselves (for a change!), as I am reading about it in a Yahoo! News story! (Oops!)

Here’s the story, if anyone cares:

I’m surprised CEOs don’t cheat like this more often. After all, they never seem to get in trouble for even the worst possible fraud, so why not try trivial stuff like this too?

* I know, I’m hardly one to talk, right? But at least I try to fix them later! Yahoo! just deletes their old posts! Oh, but maybe they don’t have enough space on their servers to store text files? (Yeah, right! Even a crappy library keeps old newspapers! You’d think Yahoo! would be proud of their work, right? Well, okay, after reading it, you might not. But I mean in theory. They could at least keep it in an archive, I should think.)