Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sealy Mattress Sex Ads

Well, if sex sells, and it’s one of the major tenets and pillars of advertising wisdom, then this campaign ought to make the Sealy mattresses fly out of the stores. Because while most other mattress brands are focused on comfort, and getting a restful night’s sleep, and reducing pain, and other stupid crap nobody cares about, Sealy is going in the opposite direction entirely: demonstrating how if you buy a Sealy mattress, you’ll have loud, obnoxious sex all the time, making your neighbors and family members hate you and bang on the walls and such. And who wouldn’t want that?

So one of these ads shows the aforementioned annoyed neighbors and family members banging on the walls and the ceiling in protest against these loud, aural sexhibitionists, and then the ad says that whatever you do in bed (wink, wink!), Sealy supports it! Oh, but what if you murder people in your bed? Or rape people? Or swindle people with Internet scams and fraudulent phishing telephone calls while relaxing on your wonderful Sealy mattress: do they support that? Well, I would have to say, based upon their tagline, that yes, of course they do! Because, after all, the ad clearly and quite specifically states, with no exceptions whatsoever: “Whatever you do in bed, Sealy supports it.” (But maybe they could say that they only meant that the mattress supports it physically, as it holds you up while you do it, and they never meant to appear as though they condone whatever perverse or illegal activities you criminal types get up to, even though their tagline suggests they do.)

Then they have another commercial where we see an extremely phallic-looking device pumping up and down on the bed while porno movie-sounding music plays on the soundtrack; and then they show it to us from a different angle, and we see that the part that’s pumping on the bed is shaped like a human butt. So here we have a very suggestive scenario, showing us a butt moving up and down, and a phallic shape pumping up and down on a bed, and an announcer using very sexy and seemlingly innuendo-filled speech, in French, no less: Very classy! (Maybe this machine is working off its sexual frustration from watching all those Svedka Vodka sex-bot ads?)

But what if it’s the case that Sealy has put Spanish Fly-style erotic arousal products in their mattresses, like with a cat-nip pillow or something? Why, then they would spearhead one of the largest population booms the world has ever seen, and at the worst possible time, too! Why, they’re trying to elicit a Soylent Green-type of dystopian futurist scenario, and it will lead to resource-depletion and global-warming and cannibalism and misery galore! Oh, the humanity! And all to sell some mattresses for some filthy lucre? Have they no hearts; no souls? Well, at least while I worry myself to death thinking about all the horrors that will result from this advertising campaign’s poisonous effects upon our society, I’ll be lying down in absolute (albeit paranoid and sleepless) comfort, due to my Sleep Number bed! (Hey: Do you suppose they make “Sex Number” beds? Maybe they should! The tagline could be: “I set mine to sixty-nine!”)

Of course this is all just a silly joke. If Sealy wants to differentiate themselves from a glutted market of sameness in the mattress wars, they have to try something different, and this is most certainly that. Hey, maybe future Sealy ads could have hot women in skimpy sheer Victoria’s Secret nightgowns say: “I’ll only ‘do it’ on a Sealy!” And then the tagline could be: “Get a Sealy, and get touchy-feely!” Or perhaps: “Sex on a Sealy makes you hit the ceiling!” (<And apparently, it makes your neighbors hit the ceiling too, but in a different way, and for a different reason!)

Here’s the loud & annoying sex ad (which they call “Good Neighbors” {?}.):

And here’s the phallic/butt machine ad: