Saturday, May 5, 2012

Oh, the Humanity: It’s the 75th Anniversary of the Hindenburg Disaster!

Hey everyone: tomorrow is the Dodranscentennial of the Hindenburg disaster! That’s the Diamond Jubilee of this tragic disaster, and so we should all commemorate this occasion by exploding a diamond replica of the Hindenburg airship filled with candy. It’s the least we could do! (Hey, we’re spending the country into bankruptcy anyway, so why not just throw this expense on too: what’s the difference? And hey: it could create a lot of jobs! Plus, it’s perfect for adults and kids alike: the kids can grab up the candy, and the adults can grab up all the diamonds!)

This is odd, because just 3 short weeks ago, it was the Centenary of the Titanic disaster (!). So two major disaster anniversaries (and both jubilees, I might add!) in a year with the most Friday the 13ths possible for one year to have! Wow, it must be the end of the world this year or something, huh?

It’s strange, I haven’t heard anyone suggest that this year might be an end-of-the-world-style apocalypse, so it’s definitely a big surprise to me that all this stuff appears to show all the stars aligning, as it were, for this kind of occurrence! Oh, no, wait: yes, I believe I may have heard something about that form someone once after all, although I can’t remember who it might have been. Oh, no, wait: I think it was everyone on TV and stuff, and also the ancient Maya (although I’m not so sure they said it, so much as those words have been placed in their mouths posthumously by the tin-foil-hat conspiracy crowd).

But that “stars aligning” comment I coincidentally made is perhaps more prescient than I had originally thought, as this whole end-of-the-world hysteria from the Mayan calendar stuff comes from the fact that the Earth is aligning with some star thingy or something, and so alignment with stars is very appropriate as a comment to make about this whole 2012 end-times hysteria. And of course, it’s what’s going to kill us all: this stars-aligning thing. So shame on those aligning stars! I knew they were just being jerks by aligning!

Oh, and of course this event’s anniversary should be widely celebrated because it is the event which brought the classic phrase: “Oh, the humanity!” into our cultural lexicon! And there’s just no other phrase to overuse in social commentary like: “Oh, the humanity!” Just imagine a world wherein we had not this marvelous phrase to use! It would be a bleak and unlivable existence, indeed! Oh, the humanity; to coin a phrase!

Here’s the Wikipedia page for the Hindenburg disaster, in the off-chance that you are somehow unfamiliar with it, and George C. Scott’s role in the whole affair:

And here’s a news article about the Hindenburg, where the link spells it wrong, and on its diamond jubilee anniversary, too: oh, for shame! (The article gets it right, though: yay!):