Wolf Blitzer interviewed Senator Bernie Sanders today about the Super Committee, and he asked if he was hoping for a “big deal” from them. And then it hit me: We should get that guy “Big Deal” from the Priceline commercials to go intimidate the Super Committee into making a big deal to cut the deficit! (Hey, it works in the ads!) And if they still wouldn’t do it, then we could get William Shatner to do spoken-word song lyrics until they cracked and were willing to agree to anything just to get him to stop. Maybe if he said the lyrics to “Rocket Man” over and over again through a megaphone in the closed-door meetings, we could get them to agree to something. But I’ll bet if we used both “Big Deal” and the Shatner song performances, we’d get what we need. Hey, it’s worth a try, isn’t it?
Here’s “Big Deal” from the Priceline commercial:
And here’s William Shatner saying the lyrics to “Rocket Man” while smoking: