Friday, November 25, 2011

Twilight Shock

Yes, I'm afraid that local news outlets are reporting that people are going into epileptic seizures while watching the birthing scene from the newest Twilight movie. I like the idea that people who support this franchise would get some kind of a disease for going to see the movie, but I don't think epilepsy really fits so well with the vampire thing. It might work better if Bella was a werewolf, or like a Jekyll/Hyde-type, because it might seem like the beginning of a transformation or something, but it doesn't really work that well for a vampire. But how about this: maybe for the next movie, they could give people anemia! Then it would be just like they'd been attacked by a vampire, or even a werewolf! And isn't that what these fans really want: to get bitten by a vampire?

Or, how about they could give everyone a really bad sunburn, and then they could say the movie made them into a half-vampire, and they got burned when they were exposed to the sun, but that it's not fatal for just a half-vampire? They could also secretly put Rogaine on all the seats and in the drinks to make everyone look more like a werewolf if they wanted to do that. Actually, if they did that with the epilepsy, it might make it seem like people were becoming werewolves, and that could lead to the all-werewolf spin-off series or something, and they could get lots of free press on the news.

Here's the story: