Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mixing Up Children’s Show Songs

It’s been years since I’ve actually seen most of the old holiday special stuff from Rankin/Bass, or old kids’ cartoons that used to be on when I was a kid. But those old theme songs are still bouncing around in my head, although over the years some of them have seemed to commingle and form new songs, like this combination of Frosty the Snowman and Casper the Friendly Ghost:

Frosty, the friendly snowman, the friendliest snowman you know,
While adults don’t like that they get frostbite, the children all love him so!

He’s always made of snow, and it’s really cool to meet him,
He’ll go right in a cone, and it’s fun to pour flavors on and eat him,

Frosty, the friendly snowman, the friendliest snowman you know,
While adults don’t like that they get frostbite, the children all love him so!

I know that’s not right, but that’s what always pops out when I try to sing the Frosty the Snowman song. Oh well, maybe it will come on TV soon and I can hear what it really sounds like.