Thursday, November 24, 2011

Black Friday: The Video Game

Yes, it's Black Friday again, and the local news is reporting on fights breaking out over X-Boxes, video games, and big flat-screen TVs at local megastores (again). It's the same every year. And Black Friday shoppers are the most resilient and vicious fighters out there, like ninja zombie commandos of purchasing power; so for those who can't make it in person to participate in such awesome displays of human combat, I think they ought to make a Black Friday video game, where characters camp out, stampede in, and then fight over the best deals in electronics! And it would be different than other combat-related games in that you have to fight other rabid combatants without damaging or destroying the fragile thing(s) you're fighting over. It would be great! And just to keep it interesting, there could be extra bonus characters who go to Black Friday not to shop, but just to fight with other customers, trip stampeding crowds, and wrestle away prized merchandise from other shoppers. And to tie it into real life, the company should have a contest where the first person who buys it on Black Friday at each megastore gets $25,000 or something: then they'd really fight over it, and life would imitate art imitating life (again)! What a great way to promote it, with tons of free news reports about all the fights breaking out over the game Black Friday live on Black Friday! I hope they'll do it soon: I want to play it already!