Saturday, November 26, 2011

Liberty Mutual Bus Stop Ad

Liberty Mutual has a new commercial about responsibility: as if the company that shows people leaving wrecked cars out in the middle of the road for other drivers to hit, and other drivers leaving the scene of an accident in their ads knows anything about responsibility, but whatever. So anyway, this spot shows some old bald guy get off a bus at a bus stop and drop a bunch of papers on the sidewalk like a spaz, and lots of people are waiting to get on the bus, as it's apparently rush hour. So most people get on the bus, and one lady sees the guy with his mess of spilled papers, and she feels sorry for him, so she goes and helps him pick them up. And the bus driver sees this, but does he wait for her? Nope: he just drives off anyway! So this is a good example of some lady being responsible, right? Let's analyze the situation:

So she misses her bus, and as a result is late to work; and in this economy, it costs her her job. And little did she know, but that old bald guy didn't spill his papers accidentally, but rather, he did it on purpose! And why would he do that? Well, it's because he likes to make nice people late for work, because he's a jerk! He doesn't even have a job, and those "papers" are just something he dug out of the trash as bait! So this lady is losing her job for nothing! And so what are her kids going to eat? Where will they live, now that she got scammed into falling for some jerk's "being helped with his papers" fetish? And Liberty Mutual says this is responsibility? Shame on them!

But it's even worse than I thought! It turns out that this bald guy who dropped the papers did it on purpose to make her lose her job! And why would he do that? Well, it turns out that he owns an employment agency, and business is slow right now, so he's going out and suckering people into picking up his dropped stuff so he can make them late and get fired from work! That way, he can find out where they worked, and after apologizing with crocodile tears, he can call his company and have them send a temp over to replace the person who just got fired for being late on account of helping him! Oh, the humanity! And lilly-livered Liberty Mutual is in on this scam (allegedly!), peer-pressuring people to do stuff like this so they'll be late to work and lose their jobs, and then they get a cut of what that bald guy's company makes (I should think), unless they're just doing it to be jerks too!? I guess you never know why they do things like try to make people wreck into empty cars, or leave the scene of an accident, or pick up other people's stuff so you miss your bus and get fired from your job, but it doesn't seem like the most "responsible policy" to me.

Here's the suspicious spot:

Don't know what I'm talking about with the leaving cars out in the middle of the street and leaving the scene of an accident stuff? It's based upon this previous post:

(But this stuff is all a joke, and Liberty Mutual has a good sense of humor to put up with it! It's just that the subtext and visuals of their ads are so easy to target! Maybe they should make them less make-fun-of-able in future.)