Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Elephant in the Room

Today on the news, someone interviewing Michele Bachmann, after talking about other stuff, asked about Herman Cain’s problems, saying: “We have to talk about the elephant in the room: Herman Cain.”

So this made me wonder, when a Democrat gets into trouble next time in a campaign, will the news people say: “We have to talk about the jackass in the room”? Because they can’t say they’re the elephant in the room: that would be a Republican! And you must admit, when a candidate gets into some sex-related scandal, they do kinda look like a jackass, regardless of party. So it would be perfect!

BTW: on page 23 of the November 7, 2011 issue of The New Yorker magazine, there is a great illustration of a Republican elephant and a Democratic donkey having a standoff over their respective protest movements. I laughed so hard when I saw it.