Monday, November 28, 2011

The “Blade Runner” Saw

Yes, it’s the Blade Runner Saw: the only saw that does it all! And by “all”, of course I mean that it chases after and kills escaped Replicants, ponders over origami unicorns (it must be related to Greg Gutfeld: he really likes unicorns too), wears Spaghetti Western-inspired rain slickers, etc., all in a post-modern Tokyo-esque neon ad-scape of the future (when you’re not using it for home and handyman projects, that is). That’s the Blade Runner Saw: ask for it by name! (Warning: Do not use the Blade Runner Saw if you are a Replicant, as it will chase and kill you.)

Here’s the website for the Blade Runner Saw (but don’t be surprised if you don’t recognize it without all that Hollywood makeup and costume stuff):