Friday, February 10, 2012

Cars 2 Special Feature Short Horror Film

I haven’t seen Cars 2, but on the DVD for Cars, they had a short film about Mater and the Ghostlight or something, right? Well, I was thinking that for a special edition of Cars 2, they could have another horror-oriented short film called Garage. Garage would be a take-off on the Hostel movies, and what would happen is that one of the cars, like Lightning McQueen, would get lured into a garage, and they’d slam the garage door down and put little blocks on either side of his wheels so he couldn’t escape, and then some guy in a surgeon’s scrub suit, surgeon’s mask and gloves on would start to disassemble the engine. So they’d spill oil and transmission fluid on the ground, all while the car screamed in agony; and then they could cut out into a drive-in movie theater to show the car audience watching the movie. And so little kid cars would say stuff like: “Oh, no! I can’t stand the sight of oil!” And then their mother car would say something like: “It’s not real oil. They fake all this stuff!” And the kids could say: “I know, but it’s still so scary and gross! I can’t look!” And then the kids could flip their Miata-style headlight eyes down into their faces.