Tuesday, February 7, 2012

VW Beetle Dog Fitness Ad (With Darth Vader Tag)

Okay, this is the Super Bowl commercial for Volkswagen they teased for with the Darth Vader-theme-barking dogs spot a few weeks ago. Now this idea of the dog being too fat to fit through the cat-flap is perfect for our obesity-infested nation right about now, isn’t it? I think we all need to follow this dog’s example, up to a point. But it’s that end result that’s the problem with this ad. Sure, the dog looks good and fit and all, but a lot of dogs get killed chasing cars, and that’s what the end of this spot made me think of most. Oops.

When I was a child, I think three different dogs were killed by cars in my general neighborhood. I remember it was a big deal not to let our dog chase cars (luckily she wasn’t that interested). A close friend of mine had a golden retriever somehow find his way through the back gate and was killed by a car right in front of his house. This happens a lot. And the idea of the dog getting fit so he can chase cars is cute in theory, but in reality, it’s not such a good idea. I mean, I know dogs aren’t going to see this commercial and go train to chase cars; it’s just that everyone who ever lost their dog to being killed this way will only be able to think of that when they see this spot, and that kills your cute idea for all of them right there. Oh, and also for everyone they then tell about it. I’m sorry; I love the ad, but it does have that problem.

But the Darth Vader tag was a nice save! It was cute, and maybe it happened fast enough to distract people from the idea of dogs being hit and killed by chasing cars thing. But I couldn’t help but think of it anyway, so I think there are probably a lot of others who did too. It’s really fun and everything, but it has an unfortunate aftertaste.

Seriously: I want to like it. I do like it! But I wouldn't have approved it if I were the client, because it makes their cars look like potential death machines. But then again, this is Volkswagen we're talking about here, and they have Darth Vader as their ad spokesman now, so maybe this whole idea of their cars killing dogs all works in some bizarre way, huh?

Here’s the canine car-chasing commercial: