Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Going Mobile

When I was  kid, there was a popular song by The Who where Roger Daltrey sang about “going mobile”. Well, I just got a bill from a credit card company that had printed on it: “Go Mobile”, and it struck me that I hadn’t noticed anyone has ever used that song in an ad for such things. (Maybe it has been used, but I haven’t seen or heard it?) In any case, it so readily suggests itself for such a usage (albeit unintentionally), it’s simply amazing that I haven’t noticed it. Could it have been overlooked by advertisers for use in cellular product and service advertisements? Well, if so, then I’d say now is the time to use it!

Here’s the Wikipedia page about this song:

And here is the song:

It seems to me, upon hearing it again after years, that a commercial could use video depictions of what the lyrics describe (and they could even edit the order of the lyrics to serve their purposes if they wanted), and use that to tell a story about cell phone use, or how using cellular devices keeps someone connected to family, friends, and business, all at once. I have not seen it used like this before. But it would be perfect, wouldn’t it?

I just did a Google search to see if it has been used, and I found it being referred to in a blog post and in an article about the cellular industry and its increasing importance in our lives, but not in an advertising campaign per se. Here are links to the blog post and the article: