Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mitsubishi Weather Underground Ad

(This is the Mitsubishi commercial titled: Ride the Storm.)

I was watching Fox News to see what they were going to say about that Clint Eastwood Chrysler Super Bowl commercial (They said it looked like an ad for President Obama’s re-election. That’s funny, because for the first third of it, I thought it was an ad for Mitt Romney!), and during an ad break, there was a Mitsubishi spot where they showed cars getting swamped in some storm, and they said they drove into a storm to challenge their cars. And then they said they teamed up with Weather Underground (!) for this ad.

Okay, so Weather Underground is probably some storm chaser group, but the Weather Underground was a domestic terrorist group from the 1960s; and showing this ad on Fox News is going to remind everyone about that. Because this is Fox News, and since President Obama started his political career in Bill Ayers’s home, and Bill Ayers was in the Weather Underground, they like to remind everyone that President Obama liked to “pal around with” unrepentant terrorists, etc. And by making an ad that says anything about a Weather Underground and running it on Fox News, Mitsubishi will be reminding all their viewers about that. (I thought of it when I saw it; I couldn’t help it.)

But perhaps this was Mitsubishi’s dastardly plan! President Obama was behind the American auto bailouts! So for resurrecting their competition, maybe Mitsubishi wants to get even! So maybe they’ve made a commercial with a reference that will remind people of a smear against the president that may cost him re-election. It didn’t work last time, but hey: that was then and this is now, right? (Of course, they’ll have to engineer a better Republican candidate if they really want President Obama to lose re-election. But hey: they always brag about how well they engineer cars! So maybe they can do it! No?)

Here’s the storm-surging spot: