Sunday, February 5, 2012

Goodwill Halloween Ad

Okay, I wrote up that Net10 commercial as one of my favorites, and now someone has asked me to give a few more of my favorites from the last few years. So okay, here’s one: This must have come on TV last year or the year before (it says 2011, but I thought it was just a little bit older than that, like maybe 2010?) in the Los Angeles area, and the first time I saw it, I stood up and applauded! (I’m not even joking!) This was so cute, fun, catchy, etc., and it used the Goodwill logo to wonderful effect!

Now, I like Goodwill, but I don’t think it’s really the best place for Halloween costumes. But hey: maybe I’m wrong! But in any case, this ad made me think about it, and think about possibly doing it, and what else can you ask for from an ad than that? It’s great! And besides, this commercial makes me remember to shop at Goodwill for other things too, as well as to donate to them. And it should be shown everywhere there is a Goodwill!

(And I especially like how the mummy sounds like Kenny from South Park!)

Anyway, enough pomp and circumstance: here’s this marvelous little spot: