Sunday, February 5, 2012

Illegal Huddle Light Beer Ad

I was watching the Super Bowl, and the NY Giants had the ball, and they were called for an “illegal huddle”, and my advertising-on-the-brain couldn’t help but say: “Hey! An illegal huddle: that would make a great light beer ad!” So here’s how it would work: Four or five hot girls are talking in a huddle-shaped group in a bar or a nightclub, and the guys notice them and want to meet them. So one of them gets a beer, takes a swig, and then says: “I’ve got it!” So then he pulls his shirt off, and he’s got a football referee’s shirt on underneath, and he throws a flag, and calls the girls for an illegal huddle, saying the girls have to let the guys talk to them. Then, they all get a new round of whatever light beer it is, and they all start talking and having fun together.

Now, I know this doesn’t really do anything to sell a specific brand of light beer versus any other, but this is the way these ads work. I don’t make the rules, here, so don’t blame me. But there are a bunch of light beer ads that are like this (as in, set in bars or nightclubs, and with the beer being an ice-breaker to help guys meet women, etc.), and so it might work for them anyway. Maybe that’s why they do them like this to begin with. And anyway, I can’t think of a real reason for anyone to want to buy any light beer anyway, unless they’re addicted to beer and they want to avoid getting even fatter than they already are. So that’s why those “More Taste” ads don’t work for me: none of them has any taste! (Not that's worth touting, anyway!)