Thursday, July 19, 2012

Catheter Scratch Fever?

On some cable news stations at night (okay, just one), there are a lot of ads for catheter services, where they say other catheters scratch, but theirs are great and never scratch, etc. And since this is Fox News we’re talking about, and they love Ted Nugent for being a conservative gun nut, then why not have him in these catheter ads? They could have him remake his classic song: “Cat Scratch Fever”, into: “Catheter Scratch Fever”. (To make it flow better, he could just sing “Cath Scratch Fever”.) After all, surely he’ll be reaching that catheter age soon himself, right? So then it’s perfect! And then he could be the new spokesman for this catheter service, claiming if you don’t get your catheters from them, you’ll risk getting “Catheter Scratch Fever”. (And that’s not as good as “Cat Scratch Fever” either!)

And then Ted Nugent could say the new tagline himself at the end of the ad: “My bladder is badder than ever!”

Here’s the ad I’m referring to (Wouldn’t it be way better with Ted Nugent?):