Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Deadly Messing

Recently, I noticed that NetFlix has that old Wes Craven movie I never saw called Deadly Blessing, and I mused about how that rhymes with Debra Messing. So then that became “Deadly Messing”, and I decided to try to come up with a show or movie called Deadly Messing. And since Deadly Blessing is about some incubus or something, I thought maybe she could be a succubus. And because she was in Will & Grace, I thought maybe she could have a gay roommate or something. So here it is, the next big hot show for Debra Messing: Deadly Messing (coming soon to a TV set near you!*):

So in this show, Debra Messing is a succubus, sent to New York City to damn men’s souls for all eternity by seducing them into lust. (Yeah, right: like a succubus would be necessary for New York! But I digress…) So upon first arriving in the city, she gets whistled at by a man who says she looks hot and fierce, so she follows the guy home to seduce and condemn him, but it turns out he’s a gay man, and he just liked her dress and thought she looked hot for a chick. Oh, but as it turns out, he’s got an extra room to rent, and he says that men are either too messy or too picky, so he insists she move in with him, and he won’t take no for an answer.

So she moves in with him, and every guy she meets and tries to seduce ends up being gay, and they aren’t attracted to her sexually, so they just end up talking about shoes and stuff. And the longer she stays living there, the more well-known she becomes throughout the New York gay community. So she gets frustrated with not meeting any men she can target, and so she starts sneaking out to other bars and nightclubs to find men to seduce and damn to hell for all eternity, but wherever she goes, she gets recognized and cock-blocked by some gay guy she knows from her neighborhood, because they keep saying the guys she’s after “aren’t good enough for her”. So after a while, she complains that she’s not getting laid enough, so her gay friends try to set her up with guys they know, but it turns out they’re all in the closet, and she never gets to seduce or condemn anyone (but all her gay friends get hooked up and paired into relationships, etc.).

And so the show is all about how this succubus never gets to seduce anyone, and all the hijinks resulting from her foiled attempts to find men to seduce and damn, as well as her friendship and experiences within the New York City gay community. So it would be like Sex and the City, but without any sex. And she tries to advise her gay friends on how to behave in bed to get damned for lust, but they end up just having a lot of fun instead, and she is constantly frustrated in her mission, failing to get anyone damned no matter what she tries.

So she just ends up killing toy dogs at night to get out her frustrations, which is why she’s called: “Deadly Messing”. And then she keeps showing up with dead toy dogs in her mouth, and her roommate has to dispose of the bodies and try to replace the dogs with new dogs of the same breed without anyone finding out (a worn out old sit-com trope, although usually used for when parents have to replace their kids’ dead pets; but I bet it would be the number one show on all of TV just so we could all see Debra Messing with a dead Paris Hilton-type yippy dog in her mouth each week!).

* Actually, probably not. But it would be a fun show, I’ll bet.