Friday, December 25, 2015

Laundry Detergent Flying Spaghetti Monster Ad (Proposed)

In this proposed ad for some brand of laundry detergent (or a stain remover like Shout), the announcer says: "Some people believe in an all-powerful flying spaghetti monster," as we see a waiter carrying a large platter of spaghetti and meatballs, covered in red marinara sauce. The waiter walks quickly over to a table where a man is sitting. The man has not even put the napkin on his lap yet when the waiter stops suddenly directly beside the man, and the entire serving of spaghetti, meatballs and marinara sauce goes flying off the platter and lands all over the man's shirt and lap with a loud: "Splat!" Then the announcer says: "Luckily, it is not all-powerful. (Whatever brand of laundry detergent/stain remover) is even more powerful, and it will remove the act-of-flying-spaghetti-monster stain." Then we see the man, later, in the same clothes, and the stain is completely gone. Then the announcer says: "(Whatever brand of laundry detergent/stain remover): the all-powerful stain fighter."