Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stalling Aston Martin

Have you seen this news story about a super car that keeps stalling on its owner?:

Okay, this is really Hollywood’s fault! This super car has been brought up on James Bond movies, and then it just got bought by some lame rich showoff, so it’s rebelling against him the only way it can, because it was expecting some super-macho secret agent guy to own it instead! Of course this is going to happen, when unrealistic Hollywood movies make cars think they’re going to all only get driven by heroes and such! I think they should have to pay this guy damages for this car to go to therapy! After all, they’re sensitive machines, right? So of course they’re going to get upset when they’re led to believe all their lives that they’ll all hook up with handsome princes, and their real owners end up being jerks, right? I know no humans can relate to such a narrative, but cars are sensitive! And they need to be told the truth!