Friday, September 26, 2014

Salem Cigarettes “Salem’s Lot” Joke Ad

In this joke ad for Salem cigarettes, we’re inside the vampire’s house from Salem’s Lot, and as the teenage victims get stuck in the cellar, the vampire’s coffin bursts open, and the vampire rises up from the grave (he’s green instead of blue this time, because of the menthol), smoking a Salem cigarette, and he says: “Salem’s got a Lot of flavor!” The vampire steps out of his coffin and opens another coffin, and it’s filled with cartons of Salem cigarettes. And then we cut to the next scene, and the vampire and the teenagers are all smoking Salem cigarettes together, and the vampire smiles his toothy grin and says: “Now, are you ready to try drinking?” (Or, alternately, for an anti-smoking twist, the vampire could say: “Smoke enough of these and you can sleep in a coffin too, just like I do!”)

This is the vampire from Salem’s Lot: