Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Alka-Seltzer Relief Chews Camping Ad

This new installment in the hot fireman relieving heartburn campaign shows a group of women camping when one of them gets heartburn. Then the ad mascot fireman shows up with an axe to deliver some Alka-Seltzer Gummies. But why is he carrying an axe? What does an axe have to do with curing heartburn?

I think this guy is actually an axe murderer who saw this ad campaign and now waits for someone to have heartburn, and then he distracts them with Alka-Seltzer Gummies, and while they're busy with the bottle, he chops them up with the axe.

Of course, if he carried a fire extinguisher instead, then nobody would know he's really an axe murderer, and he could use liquid oxygen or whatever's in the canister to freeze them to death, and nobody would be suspicious. That's what I would do if I were a homicidal axe-murdering ad mascot, because the axe is too much of a dead giveaway.

But I understand why he wears that full firefighter outfit: it keeps all the blood off his regular clothes when he axe murders people.

Or maybe he's involved in illegal logging?

Here's the choppy commercial: