Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Macho Stomacho

For years I have seen ads on late night TV for abdominal exercise thingies, but I've never seen one called: "Macho Stomacho". If one was called that, then the ads could say using it will give you a macho stomacho. And isn't that what we all want, really?

Or, maybe Macho Stomacho should be the brand name of some new rot-gut liquor that's so harsh, if you can stomach a shot of it, you can claim to have a "macho stomacho". That might be a good drink for college fraternity guys to challenge each other with. And bars could have Macho Stomacho contests to see who could stomach the most of it the fastest without throwing up. And then, if you can take aspirin on an empty stomach for the inevitable hangover headache you know you're going to have the next day, you can claim to have an "extra macho stomacho"!