Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pizza (The Slasher Horror Movie)

I was in the kitchen with my sister, helping with dinner, and we were talking about old slasher movies we used to go see as teenagers. While this was going on, I was putting stuff away (from the dishwasher), and I saw a pizza cutter. Well, seeing that, I joked that there could be a slasher movie called "Pizza", and the killer could pose as a pizza delivery guy and kill people with a round-bladed pizza cutter sharpened to razor sharpness (!). And he could also poke out people's eyes with those little three-pronged plastic things that keep the lid of the cardboard pizza box from sticking to the middle of the pizza cheese during delivery. (He could show up at a pizza chain restaurant, posing as a new delivery guy, and then he could kill everyone in the place, and make pizzas out of them, cooking them right there in the restaurant's pizza ovens.) And then this killer guy could make sausage out of his victims, and use their blood as sauce, and then deliver the pizzas to their neighbors or family, or even to the police, pretending it's a complimentary pizza as a promotional gimmick. Then the maniac could take pictures through the windows of them taking bites of the pizza, and send the pictures to the FBI (from "a concerned citizen"), just to throw suspicion on the ones who might be able to help catch him.

Hey, it wouldn't be any dumber than most of the slasher movies I grew up with, and far less lame than the ones I've seen lately (excepting, of course, The Cabin in the Woods, which is great! But then again, it's really not just a slasher movie per se, now is it?). And if it was done right, maybe it could scare people away from ordering pizza, and as such, it could be sponsored by some competing food delivery source. (I heard Burger King is delivering now. So, how about it, Burger King? Want to finance the movie? {Just kidding!})