Monday, September 3, 2012

Marital Kombat: The Video Game?

I was writing a piece earlier tonight about a video game where Internet “trolls” (and those they attack) could challenge each other to fight in some online individual combat video game, to get their aggressions out at each other. And while I was writing it, I misspelled “mortal” as “martal”, and that made me think of the word “marital”. And then it occurred to me that maybe married couples could get their aggressions out against each other safely without real fighting by playing a fighting video game called “Marital Kombat” (like Mortal Kombat). And if nothing else, maybe this could be some video game where people play a video game version of a divorce case in court, only with extra fun stuff, like Mortal Kombat character abilities, like shooting fireballs at their enemy lawyer, or with the woman having those long stretchy arms so she could slap someone’s face from across the room. And maybe they could have real characters who endorse the game, like famous divorced people, like Kobe Bryant and his ex-wife, or Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. And maybe this could be a way for famous people to make extra money to make up for what they lose in a divorce: being paid to be a character in this video game. And seriously, with all the muckraking scandal-rag celebrity “journalism” there is these days, maybe this would be a hugely successful enterprise: Marital Kombat: The Divorce Video Game. (And maybe couples could use their kids as literal weapons against one another in divorce court here, just like they do in real life!)