Monday, October 10, 2011

2 ½ Men Halloween Reboot

I know they’ve reworked the show 2 ½ Men with Ashton Kutcher, and that they had a funeral for Charlie Sheen’s character and everything, but what if this new version of the show becomes a flop? What then? They’ve buried Charlie Sheen’s character, so they couldn’t bring him back, could they? Or could they…?

Yes, I’m suggesting that if the show loses its audience appeal and ratings, they should bring back Charlie Sheen! But, seeing as how they killed off his character, why not turn this to their advantage, make a virtue of necessity, and bring him back as a zombie or a vampire? He could claw his way out of his coffin, and come back to live with them as one of the living dead! Then when Ashton Kutcher brings over hot women to sleep with, Charlie Sheen could go out to eat brains, or drink blood. Or maybe he could eat the girls' brains or drink their blood! Then hijinks could ensue as they tried to dispose of the bodies! It would be perfect! Plus, they could attract some of that horror audience cultivated by shows like True Blood!

Hey, the least they could do is to do it for a Halloween show! Now wouldn’t that be fun? Write to CBS if you want to see it! (Or start a Facebook campaign!)