All the politicians are talking non-stop about stuff like the economy and jobs; when are they going to bring back important issues like flag burning? Man, those were the days for politics in America: when flag burning was the most important political wedge issue of them all! If either party really wants to win, they’ve got to champion the issue of flag burning! Mark my words: flag burning is the winning issue of the 21st Century! You’ll see!
(Now, I’m joking about that stuff above, but I’m not kidding at all when I tell you that flag burning used to be the biggest wedge issue in America! Ask your parents. It was flag burning and gay marriage, back in the day. I’m hoping we’ve settled the gay marriage issue {as in, let them have their freedom; you know, like the Constitution says}, but flag burning could make a bigtime comeback! Write your congress representatives if you want to see them waste their time on this again! It would be awesome! They’re going to waste our time on a bunch of bullcrap anyway, so why not this? Without term limits, most of them probably still have all their old talking points: they just have to dust them off.)