Monday, October 24, 2011

Lexus “Wall” Ad

In this commercial for Lexus, they demonstrate how great they are at clean technology by driving their car through a glass wall covered with shelves containing flammable, dangerous, toxic, poisonous chemicals, and letting them smash and spill all over the place. And because they’re such a socially conscious company, they just drive away and leave the whole mess to seep into the ground and mix up to create a toxic cloud of hazardous waste pollution. Nice.

It’s really best when bragging about the environmental cleanliness of your product to show it creating a huge mess of a chemical spill, isn’t it? And best yet, to make a point of leaving it there. But then again, what’s the point of developing clean technology if you don’t get to just pour all the dirty stuff you’re replacing right on the ground? Once we’ve developed the clean energy vehicle, shouldn’t we just blow up all those tanks of oil and gas so as to rid ourselves of all the evil oil? Who cares if it pours thick black smoke into the air, so long as we’re rid of it, right? No? Well, that’s what this spot makes me think their attitude is. And it doesn’t seem all that responsible to me.

Here’s the contaminating commercial: