Seeing the movie The Fourth Kind recently made me think of the movie Cannibal Holocaust, since it uses the same purportedly real fake documentary idea to present its story. But with Cannibal Holocaust, you can tell that the movie was marketed by those sympathetic to the “victims” in the movie. Had it been marketed by cannibals to other cannibals, they probably would have used a different name for the movie, like, maybe: Dinner Is Served. Or perhaps something shorter, like simply: Yum!
But with all the political correctness around these days, and the refusal to pass judgment upon alternative cultures, perhaps the movie could no longer be called Cannibal Holocaust if it was remade today. Perhaps it would just have to be called: Alternative Lifestyle Mealtime. Then everyone would go and see it, and they’d all be extra shocked and grossed-out by the graphic gore of the explicit cannibalism due to the element of surprise! (But they’d all have to hide their revulsion for fear of being indicted by the “PC Police” for being too judgmental!)
But the villains of Cannibal Holocaust are actually the white interlopers, so the movie itself is actually pretty politically correct (I guess). But in aiding (albeit unintentionally) the food supply of an endangered tribe, maybe they’re really heroes after all! They had to be jerks to the cannibals to get them to be willing to kill and eat them! See? And how could someone who tastes so good be all bad anyway? That’s what I always say…