Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ballot Box Poison? Call Captain America!

If you watch the news today, you’ll see a lot of stories about how many Democratic candidates up for re-election are trying to avoid being seen with President Obama, thinking he may be a political liability due to his sagging popularity and the sluggish economy. But this is rude, and I think unacceptable for them to treat the president this way! They really should meet with the President if he comes to town: it’s only polite. But if they don’t want to be seen with him, there’s an easy way to meet with the president and also not be seen with him: they could wear a disguise!

Wearing a disguise would be the perfect solution to this political conundrum! If Democratic candidates refuse to be seen with President Obama, it makes him look bad; but if they are seen with him, it makes them look bad. So the obvious solution is to wear a disguise. That way they can deny reports that they weren’t willing to meet with the president publicly, but at the same time, there would be no way to use the meeting against these candidates! And here’s a costume that would work great for everyone: Captain America! If they wore a Captain America costume, nobody would recognize them with the president, and additionally, it would make the president look good that our great hero Captain America wants to be around him in public!

So Democrats, if you don’t want to hurt the president by shunning him, but you also don’t want to hurt your own political future by being seen with him, do the sensible thing that will help both of you: meet the president disguised as Captain America! It’s the right plan for America!

Oh, and if the Democrats need to do a large group event, and nobody wants to be seen with the president then either, then they could have it be a masquerade ball! That way, they could all honestly say they were there to support the president, but nobody could identify them to use it against them in a campaign ad! But they shouldn’t all dress as Captain America in that case: that would be tacky, and show how few ideas of their own they actually have.

Here’s the shunning story: