Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hershey’s Air Delight

They’ve got ‘em: first the kisses, now the candy bars! It’s the trend that’s crossing the land: Hershey’s “Air Delight”! Why didn’t they think of it sooner?

Well, maybe it’s because they didn’t have to. You see, chocolate prices have gone through the roof, and everyone is being forced to sell smaller portions for the same price! Unless…

Hey, what if you could make it seem like having your chocolate candy being half air bubbles was a good thing? It would be just as big, but lower in calories! What a breakthrough! I can’t believe they didn’t think of it sooner!

But actually, I think I know why they didn’t: they didn’t have to until now. But with the obesity epidemic, shouldn’t they really have thought if it before anyway? I guess health is always insignificant next to the bottom line, even if our bottom lines are bulging! Oh, well.

But chocolate is yummy, so it’s hard to blame them.

Here’s the “air delight” kisses ad: