Monday, August 5, 2013

Baseball Steroid Scandal Suspensions

Well, a bunch of players have been busted for juicing along with A-Rod, and the rest of them are getting a 50-game suspension. I guess that's because they're being all apologetic and humble and saying things like they let their fans down, and they're all ashamed of themselves. But isn't this sending the wrong example? I thought steroids led to "roid rage" and stuff, but these guys are acting like gentlemen, making steroids seem fine, apart from being against the rules. Shouldn't they get a lighter punishment if they act all aggressive and abusive, showing how damaging steroids can be? And if they're repulsive enough, maybe it would make kids less likely to want to emulate them by taking steroids, like when James Cagney acted scared and whiny when he was executed in Angels With Dirty Faces: then the kids thought he was yellow and stopped wanting to follow his example. So at least one of them ought to chase reporters around with a baseball bat when they ask him about the suspension, and maybe say: "Hey, at least now maybe those little brats will leave me alone and stop hounding me for my autograph!" That should help keep kids off steroids, huh?