Saturday, August 3, 2013

Terrorists Claim Responsibility for This Summer's Box Office Bombs

There have been many big-budget box office bombs this summer, placing the future of Hollywood in jeopardy. And so, seeking publicity, terrorists groups have claimed responsibility for the box office bombs, hoping to terrorize Hollywood. "We have infiltrated your studio system, and we've tricked you into making the very bombs that will destroy you! Mwa ha ha!", said a masked terrorist in an online video.

NSA agents swarmed Hollywood studios after the video was discovered online, hoping to discover who was responsible for making the box office bombs, but it just looked like business as usual in Tinseltown. But an unnamed terrorism analyst claimed that after a series of major box office bombs wreaks havoc on Hollywood, the NSA can see who has been working on all of the projects and begin to weed out those responsible.