Friday, August 16, 2013

Travelocity “Go & Smell the Roses” Ads

An ad campaign for Travelocity currently running on television has ads end with the ‘Roaming Gnome’ saying: “Go and smell the roses!” And that made me think of another ad that might piggyback well onto this campaign. Because, you see, lots of people have allergies. And so, some allergy medication could make an ad to run directly after this ad, which says that if you have difficulty smelling the roses due to allergies, then try (allergy medication). Because, really, without the ad piggybacked onto the Travelocity ad, doesn’t it seem like the ‘Roaming Gnome’ is trying to trick allergy sufferers into ruining their day with allergy symptoms? (Maybe Travelocity could buy an allergy medication company and simply tack that ad onto the back of this one and sell twice as much stuff!)

Here’s the Travelocity allergy challenge ad:

(This strategy might work well for allergy reaction pens full of epinephrine ads as well, because placing them directly after peanut butter and peanut product ads might actually save lives; although I’m not so sure the peanut product companies would like to remind people of this problem. {Although they should, because then they would seem like a caring company. Remember how car companies fought against putting seatbelts in cars because their inclusion might remind people that car travel can be unsafe at times? That made them look bad in hindsight, so peanut products maybe should have info on what to do in case of an allergy to peanuts on their labels just in case, and help raise awareness about products that can save lives from peanut allergies, because such allergy cases are becoming more and more common these days.})