Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Political Talk Show: Friendly Fire

CNN is bringing back the classic argue-fest Crossfire, where partisan hacks from both sides yell at each other and talk over one another for an hour, prompting much pressing of the mute button and changing of the channel. But if it catches on, how about another show with a similar theme: Friendly Fire?

Friendly Fire would be a show like Crossfire, but everyone on the show would be from the same political party. And the show would take one of two tacks: 1.) Democrat or Republican pundits and politicians would get together to talk policy, and with no-one from the other side to smack down their awful, power-abusing, partisan plans, they would reveal all of their hidden agendas and corruption until they dug enough of a hole to bury themselves; or 2.) During the run-up to an election, politicians from one party or the other would get together for a no-holds-barred debate with no moderator, where they'd all attack and smear each other so much, they'd show what jerks they all are, and ruin everyone's chances for being elected.

That's Friendly Fire, coming soon on CNN!