Monday, August 19, 2013

Birthwish (The Animated Movie for Pro-Lifers)

After his friends are killed by spermicide, birth-control pills, the morning after pill, etc., to get revenge, an angry sperm (with Charles Bronson’s face) must defeat condoms, spermicide, birth control, the morning after pill, clothes hangers, abortion providers, etc., to finally be born as a super-baby fighting against a woman’s right to choose! An exciting action movie for the whole family, and especially babies, but maybe not so much for young women who would like the right to choose what happens to their bodies, it’s Birthwish: coming soon to a theater near you in the Bible Belt!

Yes, it’s Birthwish, the action movie for the unborn: It’s Deathwish for sperms/zygotes/fetuses! “Birthwish: It’s tough in there for a fetus!”

(BTW: I’m pro-choice. But shouldn’t pro-lifers get silly action movies aimed at them too?)

Oh, and you might think this movie ought to be called Lifewish, but that's the action movie where Charles Bronson's family has all been killed in tragic accidents, rather than in violent crimes, so instead of becoming a vigilante, he goes to medical school to become an emergency room trauma surgeon, where he saves the lives of everyone, even the most hardened criminals, so they can live again. Yes, it's Lifewish, coming soon to a theater near you! (Okay, maybe not. But only because Charles Bronson is dead.)

And yes, perhaps there could be another movie called Birthwish, and it could be a rom-com about a woman whose biological clock is ticking, and she really, really wants to have a baby. And so the movie is about all the shenanigans and hilarity that ensue due to her crusade for childbirth. But that would be live-action, not animated.