Thursday, August 22, 2013

Suck It! (The Animated Movie)

Yes, it’s Suck It!, the animated kids movie about mosquitoes! I know, I know, but these are good mosquitoes who chase after illegal poachers. Yes, these mosquitoes depend upon the blood of some protected species to hatch their young, and once these mean illegal poachers start killing off the protected species, the mosquitoes go after them in force and bite them all, making their skin a patchwork of itchy bumps, causing them to give up poaching once and for all! It’s a heartwarming story of redemption, where a group of usually hated mosquitoes wins the love and appreciation of environmentalists and conservationists everywhere (and then they give them all malaria). It’s Suck It!, coming soon to a theater near you!

(So many animated movies for kids have an environmentalism or anti-hunting theme, so why not this one? Then kids would sleep next to big stuffed animal mosquitoes, and yell at exterminators.)