Thursday, August 29, 2013

V8 V Fusion Energy “Kick in the Rear” Ad

In this commercial for the new V8 energy drink, we see people who are drinking it kicking themselves in the butt. And this clearly implies that if you ever see someone drinking one and not kicking themselves in the rear, they must need some help, so you should kick them in the rear for them. And with this in mind, now that it’s football season again, wouldn’t it be more colorful and memorable if someone drank one of these V8 V Fusion Energy drinks and then a football field goal kicker ran up behind them and kicked their butt? Then they could go flying across the room, or over something, and a referee could raise his arms to confirm the kick is good, and maybe the NFL could split the cost of the ad with V8.

Here’s the keister-kicking commercial: