Thursday, August 8, 2013

Mitch McConnell, Jesse Benton Speed Stick Ad

There's a political news story today about Jesse Benton, the campaign manager for Mitch McConnell's re-election campaign, caught on tape saying he's "holdin' (his) nose" until the election. Well, take that quote, show a picture of Mitch McConnell with sweat stains on his shirt's underarm area leading a meeting of his campaign staff, all of whom have clothespins on their noses (and with one of them wearing a gas mask), and have the announcer say: "Trouble with your campaign? Do people have to hold their nose when they work with you? Then try Speed Stick! Speed Stick will have you smelling like a rose in no time!"

(This would also work just as well for a mouthwash, like Listerine, or some flatulence prevention product like Gas-X or Beano.)

Here's the story: