Friday, January 20, 2012

Apple's New iCephalopod

Yes, it's Apple's new iCephalopod: the handy grab-all device from Apple! Remember those evil multi-legged robot thingies from The Matrix that chased the ship all over the place? Well, they'd be kinda like that, only nicer. The iCephalopod would be very much like an iPod or an iPhone, at least in shape, but it would do something very different: it would have movable, retractible, cable-like arms that would enable mobility-impaired people to reach for and grab things around them with ease! (Kind of like Doctor Octopus's arms, but smaller.) And with multiple arms, it would certainly be able to grab and lift or control even complex objects with ease, or grab a number of different objects at once, like spices from the spice rack for cooking! Plus, with its touch screen controller interface, or its voice-recognition software controlled by Siri, it can be controlled by finger movements, or by voice alone. That's the iCephalopod: buy it wherever imaginary Apple products are sold! (But maybe they really ought to make one: After all, as we all become more sedentary and obese, especially with our increased use of computers to do most of our daily stuff for us, these iCephalopod things and their robotic arms will go from being handy to positively necessary just to get the stuff we need on a regular basis; you know, the stuff that's just lying about the house, like the TV remote, our keys, our cell phones, etc. Because you see, with the way things are going, we're going to become way too large and out-of-shape to get it ourselves pretty soon!)