Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lipitor Diet & Exercise Slandering Ad

I just saw a spot for Lipitor. Actually, scratch that: I just heard an ad for Lipitor I’ve seen many times before, but I hadn’t quite heard before, because the imagery was what I had responded to previously (the idea of taking foolish risks, etc.: I’ve written about that aspect of this commercial before in an earlier post). But in hearing the ad rather than seeing it, a key phrase popped out at me: the guy in the ad said that cholesterol was a problem for him, but that diet and exercise weren’t doing enough to help (!). Those lazy bastards!

Yeah, screw diet and exercise! They’re always lying down on the job! You’ll never get healthy with just diet and exercise! That’s why people have been dying all over the world literally for generations! But thank your lucky stars, for now there’s Lipitor, and if you just take some of that stuff, you’ll never die! And with stuff like pharmaceuticals, you can forget about wasting your time with lazy old diet and exercise: hell, they’re a bad influence on you anyway, seeing as how they’re so ineffectual and ill-mannered! Yeah, just take drugs, man: that’s the ticket!

Here’s this spot with the guy slandering diet and exercise: