Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cisco Cars Ad

This is the ad of the robot assembly line with the broken robot arm that gets healed by another robot arm, and they go back to welding and riveting car parts together, all to the mellifluous, mechanical strains of Gary Numan’s “Cars” (the perfect song for this automated robot assembly line for cars). So, this ad raves about how Cisco can help the robot hordes make all humans obsolete, huh? Well, pretty soon, if this commercial is any indicator, we’ll all be out of a job, and then the machines will have won the conquest of Earth without firing a shot! And it will be all Cisco’s fault! Traitors! John Connor’s gonna kick your asses!

But seriously, this ad makes it looks like Cisco is plotting to destroy everyone’s job, doesn’t it? I’m frankly shocked that they’re willing to show this ad on regular TV with so many people out of work at the moment! It’s really quite insulting in a way, isn’t it? And it makes Cisco look like a villain to everyone who’s out of work. But then again, I guess unemployed people can’t hire Cisco anyway, so: “What’s the difference?”, they probably say to themselves. But the unemployed can storm the gates of your company, like in Metropolis, can’t they? So it’s still kind of insensitive, and perhaps even a bad idea to boot.

I think they ought to show this one at the corporate meeting with the car company executives, and show something else on TV for the public to see, because it's possible this ad could generate a lot of enmity for their company. And I think a TV advertisement should generate goodwill and amity towards the company it’s for. But that’s just me.

Is there any way they could have an ad that shows how they’re helping people? (And not just the 1%ers?) It’s just that this commercial seems so out-of-touch with the current zeitgeist of big business hurting the little guy, kind of like what most people seem to think of Mitt Romney. Know what I mean? And I think that's a mistake.

Here’s the corporate-computer conspiracy commercial: