Some lawyer guy named Russ Brown has lots of ads running here in Los Angeles for his motorcycle accident law office, hoping that if you wreck your motorbike, you'll call him and he can sue, sue, sue for you. This particular spot says: “If you ride a motorcycle, one day, you will go down, and it won’t be your fault!” (I guess he's trying to brainwash us in advance, just in case it is our fault.) Um, how does he know it won’t be my fault? Has he ever seen me ride a motorcycle? I’m about as big of a hazard on one of those things as you could possibly imagine! The first time I ever got on a motorcycle, I revved the accelerator, and the bike shot out from under me and crashed into a heap about 25 feet in front of me. If I go down on a motorcycle, it will probably be because the motorcycle will throw me off on purpose like a bucking bronco to save itself from my irresponsible and incompetent riding ability! And I can’t blame it for doing it, either: I’m an awful motorcycle rider! That’s why I only drive cars now. But then again, perhaps Mr. Brown’s commercial isn’t aimed at me.
Here’s the somewhat inaccurate spot (at least as far as my riding is concerned):