Thursday, October 2, 2014


It’s Partisanshipwreck, the thrilling disaster movie about a shipwreck and the poisonous effects of partisanship!

In this exciting action/drama/thriller/survival/disaster movie, a number of people take a cruise on a luxury cruise liner, but unfortunately the ship encounters a freak squall with high seas, and the ship goes down. Well, a handful of intrepid passengers has the requisite skillset to survive the sinking of their ship, and they find a remote desert island to dwell upon; however, in order to survive on the island, they must work together, for each of them possesses but one necessary skill of many to survive the island’s unforgiving environment. But because they have met before briefly, and they know they support different political parties, they instantly hate each other through the prejudice of their hyper-partisanship; and due to the fact that they support different political candidates and have differing preferred government policies, the more they know about one another, the more their hatred grows with a deep and burning loathing, so they refuse not only to work together, but even to speak to one another. And in fact, they do not wait for the elements and predators to kill them: with no justice system present to prevent it, they kill each other over their political differences, rather than cooperate to survive.

And so they all die tragically, due to their inflexible partisan bigotry: oh the humanity. (Or does it count as tragic if they do it to themselves due to the completely avoidable judgmental intolerance of partisanship? Hmm, it seems like maybe they deserved their fate, doesn’t it? And by the way, this looks to me like why we are so divided as a country, and why we can’t get anything accomplished in government anymore: we won’t even talk to each other nor respect one another’s points of view.)

Actually, at the end it is revealed that two of the group decide to work together despite their ferocious disagreement on political issues, and they survive separately from the others, due solely to their cooperation. (A fantasy, I know; but at least it’s inspirational, if unbelievable.)

And so, finally there’s a movie for people who cannot stand the poison of partisanship and its resultant bigotry and prejudiced hatred, where they can watch people get their just desserts for being brainwashed into such unnecessary hatred of their fellow man over things that everyone should have a natural human right to: political opinions and expression (and, if they so choose, activism). And for a change that’s nice to witness: the overly partisan people are harmed by their own intolerance, rather than them harming everyone else with it.

It’s like Lord of the Flies, but this time around all the people acting like children are adults.

(I’m very tired of partisanship; can you tell? Our whole political landscape looks like a partisanshipwreck, both publicly and governmentally, and it is definitely not helpful.)