Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Right to Die Slogan?

I know euthanasia is a controversial wedge issue here in America, but I don’t think anyone is addressing the issue at hand when they discuss it. The naysayers claim it’s murder or whatever, and God will be all mad and stuff; and the advocates claim it is humane and such for people with incurable diseases. But we rarely seem to hear from the people who might be impacted themselves. (You know, kind of like in the abortion issue, where people just fight over it, and none of them is pregnant.)

But to reach people on this issue of legalized voluntary euthanasia, or “Right to Die”, how about a new take on a quote all Americans should know: Patrick Henry’s: “Give me liberty, or give me death!” like so:

“Give Me Liberty, and Give Me Death!”

In this case, the liberty would be death, and so using this quote would be, I think, very enlightening, or at least thought-provoking.