Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Fantastic Four Playing Twister (A Sketch Idea for Robot Chicken)

The Fantastic Four are playing Twister. As the game progresses, Reed Richard, Mr. Fantastic, stretches himself into ridiculous shapes, with long, spaghettiesque extremities in a literal representation of the game’s title. Then, Sue Storm, the Invisible Girl, who is invisible, says she has achieved the requisite position after her turn reveals a nearly impossible assignment; the others ask how they know she’s not cheating, and she accuses them of sexism, so they shut up and accept her claim. Well, Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, can’t compete with that, so at the next difficult assignment he spins, he ignites his body, sending the others running away for cover; that is except for Ben Grimm, the Thing, who upon feeling the burn punches Johnny hard and sends him barreling through the air, tumbling away from the Twister board. Then Ben Grimm says: “I win! I’m the only one left!” at which point Sue Storm says: “I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” and she materializes in exactly the position she should have been in all along. Then Ben steps back, and Sue, still in position, says: “I win!” And the others all grouse about how it’s not fair that she’s invisible.