Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Lords of Salem Product Placement?

If, like me, you like horror movies about black magic, witches, ghosts, the supernatural, or Satan, then you’ve probably seen The Lords of Salem, Rob Zombie’s best movie to date, in my opinion.

So anyway, there’s a scene where the witches, in their current forms, kill some writer with a frying pan. And while I guess you could deconstruct that in some kind of psychosexual manner about gender roles and karmic revenge, I think it would work well for product placement.

No, really: they could show the kill scene and say: “(Whatever brand of) frying pans: tough enough to beat someone to death with!” Or, they could say: “It’s great for cooking, but if you ever get tired of gender stereotypes with regard to cooking, it makes a great revenge weapon!”

Man, they’d probably fly off the shelves!

I wonder if we will see this ad anytime soon. (I have seen ads I have written here show up on TV as real ads, so I thought maybe it would be fun to see someone try to make this as a real ad. It would be fun around Halloween.)