Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Obamacare the Job Killer: A Political Ad for Mitt Romney

Okay, I gave Mitt Romney a hard time in my last post, suggesting that the Obama campaign should make flip-flops for hands, shaped like mittens, called “Mitt-Flops”, with pictures of Mitt Romney’s head on both sides, and with a red background on one side, and a blue background on the other (to suggest that he’s both liberal and conservative); so in the interest of fairness, now I’m going to come up with an idea for a political ad for Romney to use against President Obama. And since the Republicans rag on “Obamacare” so much as a “job killer”, I thought I’d try something with that idea: Obamacare the job killer! (Actually, the “Affordable Care Act” has raised my health insurance $300 per month in 3 years, when it was only supposed to go up $100 in that time, so that name is a dirty lie right there, but whatever. And liberal commentators get mad when people call it “Obamacare”! Well, it’s better than calling attention to what a sham it is by using its actual name, when it has raised insurance rates astronomically for most people, I’d say!)

So okay, raised rates or not, this is just an idea for a political ad for Mitt Romney using that idea that “Obamacare” is a “job killer” (whether it is a job killer or not is irrelevant: this is a political ad, so truth doesn’t even play into it whatsoever, and I’m only doing this for fun as an intellectual exercise; and because I really bashed Romney last time). So, here goes:

We are in a hospital at night, and there is a crazy doctor killing everyone in the building. (The whole thing plays out like a truncated horror movie.) The doctor is “Obamacare”, and he has “Obamacare” written on his white lab coat. So this crazy doctor stalks and kills people one by one through this scary hospital building, and everyone he kills is dressed as a specific kind of profession (like a police officer, a construction worker, etc., {kind of like The Village People, I guess} to represent different types of jobs), and he uses different medical implements to kill everyone, like for example: a scalpel, a bone saw, a syringe full of drugs, an X-Ray machine, electro-shock therapy, etc. And while this is all happening, the announcer talks about how President Obama’s healthcare law is killing jobs all over the place, and he points out each type of job it’s killing as the doctor kills each person, etc.

So, there you go Mitt: don’t say I never gave you anything!