Monday, January 2, 2012

Nissan Leaf "What if Everything Ran on Gas?" Ad

Nissan has been running a great commercial for their Leaf electric car that postulates what life would be like if everything ran on gas, rather than electricity. Naturally, everything, from cell-phones to coffee makers to dentists' drills, billows smoke, and we are all horrified by what we see. So that's actually a really good way of making their point, right?

Well, it is, so long as you don't remember where the electricity that charges their cars comes from: mostly coal-burning power plants; and if everyone drove an electric car, then they'd have to burn that much more coal, and the air would be filled with just as much smoke and soot. But never mind, because that's not what you're supposed to think of! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain burning coal! Electric cars will save the Earth!

But there's an easy way for internal combustion engine cars to fight back against the menace of electric cars, and that's to say what I heard some guy on NPR say about the Nissan Leaf (I'm sorry, but I can't remember who it was exactly, but I think it was a Nissan Leaf executive, or someone like that, believe it or not): "If people forget to charge their electric cars as often as they forget to charge their cell-phones, then we're all in trouble! There will be dead cars clogging up the roads all over the place!" (I'm paraphrasing, but it was pretty close to that.) So all a gas-powered car would have to do is say that in an ad, and people would have that 'eureka' moment I did too, and then maybe they'd think twice about the electric cars, even if they got their electric charges magically out of thin air for free! (Which they would, if that Nikola Tesla guy had been allowed to finish his life's work of free electricity for all through the air! Damn you JP Morgan!)

Anyway, here's that Nissan Leaf ad, showing us a magical world where everything runs on gas (it must be OPEC's wet dream!):