A satirical blog about media, marketing, advertising, politics, pop culture, etc. All references to actual companies, products, people, etc. is for the purpose of parody. All writing is copyright by Greg Medernach, and is mostly intended as absurdist humor, and as a portfolio of comedy and creative advertising material. Questions and Comments: unconditionedresponse@yahoo.com
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Scented Stuff
My sister went to Venice (CA) yesterday, and she came back with a bunch of incense and and scented candles and stuff she got at some hippie store. So I asked her if it was called: "Soothing Smelly Stuff", as it struck me it might be a good name for such a place. Either that, or: *sniff sniff*, or perhaps: "Oo, What's That Smell?" Or maybe even: "Nose Necessities", or: "The Olfactory Outlet", or better yet: "The Olfactory Factory". Or how about: "Aromatic Atmospheres", "Heaven Scent", or: "Scents and Sensibility"? (<This one is probably being used somewhere.) Or how about a discount aromatherapy place called: "Scents for Cents"? They could also make them sound negative with dysphemisms for the punk rock and protest market, with names like: "Stinky Situations", "Odorama", "Fetid Fragrances", "Noxious Nasalities", "Smell Hell" (or "Smells from Hell"), "Smell Hole", "Reek Easy", and "The Stench Mensch" (or "The Stench Wench"). (For the punk rockers, they could make perfumes called: "Punk Perfume", "Eau de Ew!", "O.D. Eau de Oh!" {<Pronounced like: O. D. O. D. O.}, "Eau de B. O.", "Pepper Spritz", "Mace in the Face", "Smelly Repel-y", "Rebel Smell", and "Alone Cologne".) They could also combine an S&M emporium with aromatherapy, and call it: "Whips and Whiffs". (I could do this all day...)